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The power of Theta waves. Memory and meditation waves.

theta waves, improve meditation and memory

Calm down and focus Theta rhythm is the frequency of your brainwaves firing 4 to 7 times per second. Compared with other brainwaves, theta is […]

Calm down and focus

Theta rhythm is the frequency of your brainwaves firing 4 to 7 times per second. Compared with other brainwaves, theta is a rather slow frequency. The only waves slower than theta are delta, which occurs when you sleep. The speed of your brainwaves is to some degree related to the level of activity: not surprisingly, theta waves may often indicate deep relaxation.

Theta rhythm is also the landmark of the meditative state. Although sudden bursts of fast gamma brainwaves sometimes also occur among masters who have spent many hours of their lives on meditation, there are two main kinds of waves associated with meditation: alpha and theta. When you begin your meditative practice, alpha waves are more pronounced, but the tendency changes towards theta as you progress in your practice. Higher levels of theta mark the growing proficiency in meditation. During practice, theta waves are generated by the frontal parts of the brain, associated with monitoring mental processes. Some researchers speculate that your frontal brain may be using this frequency to signal lower parts of the brain to induce physical relaxation. Indeed, theta waves are linked to lower anxiety and higher feelings of calmness and bliss.

Memory waves

Relaxing, meditation, and moving around – theta waves are vital for a range of useful tasks. But there is another area of theta activity that may interest you even more. EEG studies have shown that theta activity is enhanced when people are trying to remember things that they learn and when they are trying to retrieve information from their memory.

Is there a direct link between theta and memory?

Scientists are used to pose one basic question when they see two things that occur together: are they causally related, or is it just a coincidence? In other words, are theta waves actively involved in our memory processes? It may be the case that there is another unknown factor that triggers both remembering and theta oscillations.

To solve this mystery, researchers had to manipulate theta waves and see if it helps to remember. To this end, they used brainwave entrainment. It works by giving the brain rhythmic sensory inputs like sounds and lights which vibrate at the desired frequency. This guides the brainwaves towards this bandwidth.

A group of researchers from California used goggles and headphones emitting flickering lights and sounds to entrain theta brainwaves in a group of participants. In the first experiment, the subjects were asked to remember words and then subsequently had their memory tested. In between learning and testing, they were exposed to either theta wave entrainments or white noise. In the second experiment, the researchers included another frequency of beta waves, to see if other bandwidths would work as well. Only those treated with theta entrainment had a significant advantage in remembering tasks.

How to introduce theta?

The research we discussed shows that we can boost memory by tapping into theta brainwaves. Enhancement of theta activity could be a successful treatment for patients with memory disorders.

One of the methods is binaural beats, which involves listening to two rhythmic sounds of different frequencies presented to both ears respectively. Due to a perceptual phenomenon, the brain is stimulated with a frequency which is the difference between both tones: for instance, if one ear hears a frequency of 215 Hz and the other 235 Hz, the brain is stimulated with a frequency of 20 Hz.

In a study done in Thailand, researchers used binaural beats to entrain 6 Hz frequency. The treatment helped the participants to relax and decreased their worrisome thoughts. What’s important to note is that using this method, the most successful duration was 10 minutes. Longer times of exposure do not increase theta power and may cause fatigue.

The other study we mentioned before used sound and light theta entrainment to successfully boost memory. Wearing both goggles and headphones to see flickering lights and vibrating sounds could be a little bit inconvenient, but there is an easier method of entrainment that involves magnetic field stimulation. Devices such as Omnipemf’s PEMF devices use a set of electromagnetic coils to induce different kinds of brainwaves. If you want to increase theta, you can choose one of the predefined programs such as Theta Meditation, Mindfulness Meditation, and Open-Heart Meditation. You can also set a custom frequency between 4 and 7 Hz.


Lagopoulos et al. Increased Theta and Alpha EEG Activity During Nondirective Meditation. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2009; 15 (11): 1187 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1089/acm.2009.0113″  

Jirakittayakorn, & Wongsawat, Y. (2017). Brain responses to a 6-Hz binaural beat: Effects on general theta rhythm and frontal midline theta activity. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 11, 365–365. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnins.2017.00365

Roberts, Clarke, A., Addante, R. J., & Ranganath, C. (2018). Entrainment enhances theta oscillations and improves episodic memory. Cognitive Neuroscience, 9(3-4), 181–193. https://doi.org/10.1080/17588928.2018.1521386

Aghajan, Schuette, P., Fields, T. A., Tran, M. E., Siddiqui, S. M., Hasulak, N.R., Tcheng, T. K., Eliashiv, D., Mankin, E. A., Stern, J., Fried, I., & Suthana, N. (2017). Theta Oscillations in the Human Medial Temporal Lobe during Real-World Ambulatory Movement. Current Biology, 27(24), 3743–3751.e3. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2017.10.062

About the author

Mateusz Konopacki specializes in Psychology and Cognitive Science. He is the author of multiple courses and articles, as well as research on meditation and shamanic drumming. At the time when he is not explaining science to people, he is a screenwriter and a Yoga teacher.


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