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PEMF non-contact electromagnetic device for improving well-being

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As part of the project, we want to make a PEMF non-contact electromagnetic device for improving well-being.
PEMF therapy is a method of stimulating the body at the basic cellular level using pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF). PEMF devices activate physical and chemical processes in the body by emitting health-friendly and beneficial low-frequency electromagnetic fields that improve bodily functions, general health and vitality, and the body’s self-healing.
Pulsating electromagnetic fields (PEMF) are considered a safe and non-invasive method for the effective treatment of many musculoskeletal disorders in humans, and offer a sensory action based on the principle of influencing a specific stimulation point or area (body/brainwave entrainment). It is a level of action that works non-invasively at the cellular level, improving the functioning of cells and their basic functions.


The purpose of the project is to use this type of product to help users with problems with sleep, concentration, and above all to improve general well-being. With the PEMF surrounding system, we enable the inclusion of the product in living spaces (bedroom, living room, work rooms, offices, healthcare) to achieve better sleep quality, efficiency, and at the same time improve general well-being.

Objective of the operation:

The goal of the project is to be the first in the world to develop a pulse electromagnetic device that, compared to other competing devices on the market, emits pulses into the target environment without contact (surrounding system) and thus affects the cellular functioning of the body. The device will enable spatial distancing and detection of users, which means that the power (intensity) of the device changes with the proximity of the person. This is important because the intensity (power of influence) of PEMF devices decreases with the square of the distance, which affects the efficiency and optimization of possible side effects of the device.

The result of the operation:

The key result of the project will be a new product, a new product “PEMF non-contact electromagnetic device for improving well-being“, which represents a technological and business innovation in the field of performing body stimulation at the basic cellular level.

The operation was selected for co-financing in the public tender “INCENTIVES FOR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS OF NOO – JR RRI NOO”.

The operation is financed by the European Union from the Recovery and Resilience Fund, or spending rights are provided from a sub-account managed by the Ministry of Finance, the Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Recovery and Resilience, and which collects the funds of the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism for the financing of measures from NOO.

Project duration: 01.11.2022 – 31.10.2024
Total project costs: 498.554,25 EUR
Eligible project costs: 299.132,52 EUR

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Funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU
The investment is part of the measures of the Slovenian plan, which is financed from the JR NOO mechanism.
EU Project - Omnipemf eu projects 1
EU Project - Omnipemf eu projects 2
EU Project - Omnipemf eu projects 3

PEMF brezstična elektromagnetna naprava za izboljšanje počutja

EU Project - Omnipemf eu projects 4

V okviru projekta želimo izdelati PEMF brezstično elektromagnetno napravo za izboljšanje počutja.
PEMF terapija je način stimulacije telesa na osnovni celični ravni z uporabo pulzirajočih elektromagnetnih polj (Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields – PEMF). Naprave PEMF aktivirajo fizikalne in kemične procese v telesu z oddajanjem zdravju prijaznih in koristnih elektromagnetnih polj nizkih frekvenc, ki izboljšujejo telesne funkcije, splošno zdravje in vitalnost ter samozdravljenje telesa.Pulzirajoča elektromagnetna polja (PEMF) veljajo za varen in neinvaziven način za učinkovito zdravljenje številnih mišično-skeletnih motenj človeka, ter ponujajo opitmalno delovanje po principu vplivanja na določeno stimulacijsko točko oziroma območje (body/brainwave entrainment-a). Gre za nivo delovanja, ki deluje ne invazivno na celično raven, s čimer se izboljša delovanje celic in njihovih osnovnih funkcij.


Namen projekta je s tovrstnim izdelkom pomagati uporabnikom pri težavah s spanjem, koncentracijo, predvsem pa izboljšati splošno počutje. S PEMF surrounding sistemom, omogočamo z vključitvijo izdelka v bivanjske prostore (spalnica, dnevna oseba, delovne sobe, pisarne, zdravstvo) doseganje boljše kvalitete spanja, učinkovitost, hkrati pa se izboljša splošno počutje.

Cilj operacije:

Cilj projekta je kot prvi na svetu razviti pulz elektromagnetno napravo, ki v primerjavi z ostalimi konkurenčnimi napravami na trgu, brezstično (surrounding system) oddaja pulze v ciljno okolje ter s tem vpliva na celično delovanje telesa. Naprava bo omogočala prostorsko distanciranje in zaznavanje uporabnikov, kar pomeni, da se moč (intenziteta) naprave spreminja z bližino človeka. To je pomembno ker intenziteta (moč vplivanja) PEMF naprav pada s kvadratom razdalje, kar pa vpliva na učinkovitost in optimizacijo morebitnih stranskih učinkov naprave.

Rezultat operacije:

Ključni rezultat projekta bo nov proizvod nov proizvod “PEMF brezstična elektromagnetna naprava za izboljšanje počutja“, ki predstavlja tehnološko in poslovno inovacijo na področju izvajanja stimulacije telesa na osnovni celični ravni

Operacija je bila za sofinanciranje izbrana na javnem razpisu “SPODBUDE ZA RAZISKOVALNO RAZVOJNE PROJEKTE NOO – JR RRI NOO”.

Operacijo financira Evropska unija iz naslova Sklada za okrevanje in odpornost oziroma se pravice porabe zagotavljajo iz podračuna, s katerim upravlja organ v sestavi Ministrstva za finance, Urad Republike Slovenije za okrevanje in odpornost in na katerem se zbirajo sredstva Mehanizma za okrevanje in odpornost za financiranje ukrepov iz NOO.

Trajanje projekta: 01.11.2022 – 31.10.2024
Skupna vrednost projekta: 498.554,25 EUR
Upravičeni stroški projekta: 299.132,52 EUR

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Financira Evropska unija – NextGenerationEU
Naložba je del ukrepov slovenskega načrta, ki se financira iz mehanizma JR