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A Guide to NeoRhythm’s Custom Frequencies

A Guide to NeoRhythm's Custom Frequencies - Omnipemf NeoRhythm,Customizable frequencies 1

Discover the power of Customizable PEMF frequencies! Dive into a blend of scientifically proven research and harmonic resonance with our range. From the widely acclaimed 50 Hz to carefully chosen harmonics like 48 Hz, unleash the potential of your well-being with precision and efficacy.

Advice for those who love experimentation

Since every human organism is unique, the concluded efficient frequencies only correspond to a median. For every individual, the optimally effective frequency may vary. The frequencies also differ within the same individual at different times (biorhythm, more or less stressful days, personal issues, etc). Therefore, we advise you to experiment with neighboring frequencies if the suggested, median one does not satisfy you. If you are struggling with anxiety, you may want to try the 8 Hz first. And if you are not completely satisfied, use the lower or higher (9 Hz or 7 Hz) frequencies.

Secondly, sometimes the efficiency is heightened with a higher or lower harmonic. This simply means to use a frequency that is half of the chosen frequency (first subharmonic). Or, the one that is twice or four times higher (first and third harmonic). If there is an acute issue (like a panic attack or anxiety outbreak), you may first use a third harmonic (e.g. 32 Hz) for five minutes. Then turn to the first harmonic (in this case 16 Hz) for another 5 – 10 minutes, and finish with the basic (e.g.: 8Hz) frequency (for 30 minutes or so). If you want to deepen the relaxation, you may turn even to the first subharmonic, in our example, with 4 Hz, after 15 minutes.

Pemf Frequency Chart

Promote delta waves for enhancing deep sleep and deep relaxation. We also advise using those frequencies for combatting anxiety, panic, and other stressful emotional situations. 4 Hz is also beneficial in enhancing meditation and relaxation. Positions: the head (forehead or top of the head orientations), especially for meditation; solar plexus (5 inches (12 cm) above the navel) for surmounting stressful emotional conditions.

This frequency was found to help nerve regeneration. Position: head or any other place where there are problems with nerves, like in the case of neuropathy. You should contact your doctor to know which and where the nerves in question are troubled. For instance, with foot neuropathy (odd feelings at touch), the nerves in the feet and legs may be quite normal. However, the problem is in the spinal cord. If it is medically known wherein the spinal cord nerve is damaged, you may influence this spot with the NeoRythm for some 20 – 30 minutes per day. This influence, however, may not be a replacement for medical treatment; it means only caring support.

Best used for meditation, appeasement, introspection, memory enhancement (Roberts et al. 2018), and better learning. Try it out with 6 Hz first and if you are not satisfied, turn to 5 Hz or 7 Hz, as advised in the introduction. Position: the head, the best is the frontal (forehead) region, but other regions may serve you as well. Just an experiment. Some deep states of mind may be achieved by stimulating the medulla oblongata. That means you should set the NeoRhythm device with its middle at the base of the skull. For enhancing tranquility, use the solar plexus position (5 inches (12 cm) above the navel).

Schumann’s fundamental frequency. Interestingly, it is out of the GM harmonic scale, so you may also try the second harmonic (14.3 Hz) or 8 Hz which is very close. Position: wherever on the head for enhancing the general well-being. You may also experiment with positions where you lay the NeoRhythm device directly over the afflicted spot on any part of the body. If you have an ill or troubled organ, you should follow the recommendations of your doctor; however, NeoRhythm may still support regeneration and the body’s self-healing capacities. For relaxation, tranquility, and a general feeling of psychological balance, instead of the head position, you may use the solar plexus position (5 inches (12 cm) above the navel).

Best used for pain inhibition (Maestu, C.E. pain), meditation, and relaxation. Position: over the painful part of the body. Better more times per 20 minutes than only once for a long time. If it is possible (hand, foot, neck, leg, arm, shoulder…), try to put the painful body’s part into the NeoRhythm device. For meditation and relaxation, try various positions on the head. We would recommend the positions already suggested for meditation. As an alternative, you may use the solar plexus position (5 inches (12 cm) above the navel).

Frequencies for combatting anxiety. You may gradually turn from the highest (13.5 Hz, to match your EEG anxiety level the most) to the lowest (8 Hz). Position: on the head or the solar plexus (5 inches (12 cm) above the navel). If on the head, sometimes (depending on special psychological conditions) the forehead position will serve the best, at other times the opposite one (centered at the base of the skull). Just an experiment.

is supportive for the restoration of the physiological balance in the head that is lost due to migraines, can stimulate clearer cognitive functioning, better memory, and more focus; restoring circadian rhythm, helps with cessation of smoking. Also helps with tremors, the regeneration of tissue (Pawluk K.). Position: mostly on the head. For better memory, try the forehead orientation. In the case of restoring circadian rhythm, we recommend the base of the skull orientation. For anxiety issues, the top-of-the-head orientation showed encouraging results. Regarding regeneration of the tissue, lay the NeoRhythm device over the afflicted body’s part.

is supportive for the restoration of the physiological balance in the head that is lost due to migraines, enhancing peripheral blood flow, (Pawluk K.). Position: on the head. We would recommend the position, where the NeoRhythm device is laid over the top of the head. However, you may experiment with other positions and see which serves you the best. Regarding enhancing peripheral blood flow, put the NeoRhythm device on the limb that needs more blood (showing that by being pale).

1st Schumann’s resonance harmonic => general well-being enhancing, bodily self-healing capacities enhancing. Position: wherever on the head for enhancing the general well-being. You may also experiment with positions where you lay the NeoRhythm device directly over the afflicted spot on any part of the body. If you have an ill or troubled organ, you should follow the recommendations of your doctor; however, NeoRhythm may still support regeneration and the body’s self-healing capacities. For relaxation, tranquility, and a general feeling of psychological balance, instead of the head position, you may use the solar plexus position (5 inches (12 cm) above the navel).

Higher Frequencies

is supportive for the restoration of the physiological balance in the head that is lost in migraines, also found to help the regeneration of cells. Position: for the balance in the head, the position should be on the head. To help the regeneration of cells, lay the NeoRhythm device over the afflicted body part.

This frequency can help combat obesity (Pawluk K.). Position: on the head. We would recommend the position at the base of the skull. You may experiment with alternating between this position and the position on the solar plexus position (5 inches (12 cm) above the navel).

helps against anxiety (Pawluk K.) and supports meditation for well-being (against depressive modes). You may also try the 10.1 Hz since this is its first harmonic. Position: Use the solar plexus position (5 inches (12 cm) above the navel) at the top of the head orientation.

Treat this as a first subharmonic of 48 Hz frequency (see effects below) and a first harmonic of 12 Hz (see effects above), it is close enough to the 20.25 Hz to help support meditation for well-being (against depressive modes. This is also a central frequency belonging to the beta brainwave band. Therefore, through the so-called entrainment (resonance-based influence) it will enhance alertness and vigilance. This frequency proved also successful in promoting regeneration. Position: top of the head or forehead orientation. You may also use the solar plexus position (5 inches (12 cm) above the navel). Regarding the regeneration of the tissue, lay the NeoRhythm device over the afflicted body’s part.

3rd Schumann’s resonance harmonic => general well-being enhancing, bodily self-healing capacities enhancing, as a high beta brainwave frequency it enhances alertness and vigilance. Position: wherever on the head for enhancing the general well-being. You may also experiment with positions where you lay the NeoRhythm device directly over the afflicted spot on any part of the body. If you have an ill or troubled organ, you should follow the recommendations of your doctor; however, NeoRhythm may still support regeneration and the body’s self-healing capacities. For relaxation, tranquility, and a general feeling of psychological balance, instead of the head position, you may use the solar plexus position (5 inches (12 cm) above the navel).

4th Schumann’s resonance harmonic => enhances general well-being, enhances bodily self-healing capacities. Position: wherever on the head for enhancing the general well-being. You may also experiment with positions where you lay the NeoRhythm device directly over the afflicted spot on any part of the body. If you have an ill or troubled organ, you should follow the recommendations of your doctor; however, NeoRhythm may still support regeneration and the body’s self-healing capacities. For relaxation, tranquility, and a general feeling of psychological balance, instead of the head position, you may use the solar plexus position (5 inches (12 cm) above the navel).

The most important gamma waveband frequency is of great importance for awareness, conscious control, memorizing, and retaining a normal psyche. It was also found to help with Alzheimer’s disease. Position: top of the head or forehead orientation.

Frequencies supporting meditation toward well-being

These frequencies were found to support meditation states that counteract depression. It may also help with other issues, like musculoskeletal problems (e.g. tightened tendons, muscles, etc.); helping with eye problems (like conjunctivitis, blood circulation, even glaucoma); heart problems, regeneration of tissue, improve cerebral blood flow in stroke patients, may enhance alpha waves in the brain (subharmonic effect), but diminish delta and theta (too deep relaxation, sleep. Application around testis may increase the production of testosterone, (Pawluk K.)). Position: for meditation combatting depression and enhancing wakefulness, top of the head or forehead orientation. For eye problems, the forehead orientation. Also, for the regeneration of tissue, lay the NeoRhythm device over the afflicted body part. For well-being meditation counteracting depression, you could try the position on the solar plexus (5 inches (12 cm) above the navel).


Human organisms have variable sensitivity to magnetic fields. On one extreme, we have so-called electromagnetically hypersensitive persons who possess high sensitivity even to low-intensity fields. Usually, these EM fields are of a very high frequency (microwave region) and unrepeatable (chaotic) pulses of intensity. On the other hand, we have a part of the population that may be predominantly insensitive to the magnetic field treatment. Both extremes and the golden mean may, however, profit from highly regular pulsed magnetic pulses offered by the NeoRhythm device. A rhythmic pulsing of the magnetic field may calm and support a hypersensitive person; on the other hand, through a prolonged application, it may provoke the needed and wished changes in a weakly sensitive organism.

Since the sensitivities vary, we prepared three different intensities, whereby you can begin experimenting. They are 0.25 mT, 0.5 mT, and 2.5 mT, respectively. These are the intensities on the head or elsewhere where the direct contact between the skin and the device is established. If there is a need to experiment even with lower intensities, you may ever move the device further away from the body. Then look for optimal effects at the chosen frequency or program. With the experiment, you must take into account that the intensity falls with the square of the distance. In practice, it means that even with the highest intensity (2.5 mT), it becomes as low as the geomagnetic field at a distance of only 6 cm. And one hundred times lower (2.5 µT) than the lowest NeoRhythm intensity (0.25 mT = 250 µT) at a distance of 150 cm.

For instance, if somebody uses the program for sleep enhancement, it can irritate him/her when having the device just below the head. Therefore he/she may put the device at the edge of the bed. If it is 30 cm away and the intensity of the magnetic field flux on the device is 2.5 mT. While the pulsed magnetic flux influencing the head will amount only to 0.18% i.e. to 0.0045 mT (4.5 µT). Since the geomagnetic field (although largely static, not so dynamic as the PEMF produced by the NeoRhythm device) has an average intensity of 25 µT to 65 µ, the applied PEMF sleep-inducing field should be of a sufficiently modest power to disable irritating effects. Also, at the same time capable of provoking sleep by its resonant rhythmic pulsing with highly sensitive persons.

Therefore, with the Neorhythm device, you may play with a large number of intensities from practically zero-field up to 2.5 mT. Three of these intensities are already built and are free to choose from the device itself. The others may be achieved by moving the device away. At the beginning of getting accustomed to your NeoRhythm device, you may begin with the highest intensity, following the programmed application. If you feel a little disturbed or irritated, we would suggest switching to a lower field intensity (either 0.5 mT or 0.25 mT). If you still have a feeling that the device causes irritations, you may try to distance it to half a meter. In other words, distance it from the body and observe the results. If there is no effect, try moving it closer to the body (head). At a certain point that may even vary from day to day or through weeks, you may find your optimal stimulation point.


NeoRhythm has not been evaluated by the FDA. These products do not claim to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical conditions. Always consult your medical doctor regarding any health concerns.